Ed Sheeran – Nancy Mulligan

Inilah lirik lagu dan terjemahan Nancy Mulligan yang dibawakan oleh Ed Sheeran.



[Verse 1:]

I was twenty-four years old
Aku tlah berusia 24 tahun

When I met the woman I would call my own
Saat aku bertemu wanita yang aku sebut diriku sendiri

Twenty-two grand kids now growing old
22 cucu kini bertambah tua

In that house that your brother bought ya
Dalam rumah yang di beli sudaramu

Oh the summer day when I proposed
Oh haris musim panas saat aku mengusulkan

I made that wedding ring from dentist gold
Membuat cincin pernikahan dari gigi palsu emas

And I asked her father, but her daddy said, “No
Dan aku bertanya pada ayahnya, tapi ayahnya berkata, “Tidak

You can’t marry my daughter”
Kau tak bisa menikahi anak ku”



She and I went on the run
Dia dan aku kabur

Don’t care about religion
Tak pedulikan soal agama

I’m gonna marry the woman I love
Aku akan menikahi wanita yang kucintai

Down by the Wexford border
Melintasi perbatasan Wexford

She was Nancy Mulligan
Dia Nancy Mulligan

And I was William Sheeran
Dan aku William Sheeran

She took my name and then we were one
Dia mengambil namaku dan lalu kita bersatu

Down by the Wexford border
Melintasi perbatasan Wexford


[Verse 3:]

Well, met her at Guy’s in the second world war
Nah, bertemu dengan pria di perang dunia kedua

And she was working on a soldier’s ward
Dan dia bekerja di bangsal prajurit

Never had I seen such beauty before
Belum pernah aku lihat kecantikan semacam itu sebelumnya

The moment that I saw her
Saat itu aku melihatnya

Nancy was my yellow rose
Nancy mawar kuningku

And we got married wearing borrowed clothes
Dan kita menikah mengenakan pakaian pinjaman

We got eight children now growing old
Kita punya depan anak sekarang tumbuh dewasa

Five sons and three daughters
Lima putra dan tiga putri



She and I went on the run
Dia dan aku kabur

Don’t care about religion
Tak pedulikan soal agama

I’m gonna marry the woman I love
Aku akan menikahi wanita yang kucintai

Down by the Wexford border
Melintasi perbatasan Wexford

She was Nancy Mulligan
Dia Nancy Mulligan

And I was William Sheeran
Dan aku William Sheeran

She took my name and then we were one
Dia mengambil namaku dan lalu kita bersatu

Down by the Wexford border
Melintasi perbatasan Wexford


[Verse 3:]

From her snow white streak in her jet black hair
Dari nya beruntun salju putih di rambut hitam pekatnya

Over sixteen years I’ve been loving her
Selama 16 tahun aku sudah mencintainya

Now we’re sat by the fire in our old armchairs
Kini kita duduk di perapian di kursi tua kita

You know Nancy, I adore ya
Kau tahu Nancy, aku mencintainya ya

From a farm boy born near Belfast town
Dari seorang anak peternak lahir dekat kota Belfast

I never worried about the king and crown
Aku tak pernah khwatir tentang raja dan mahkota

‘Cause I found my heart upon the southern ground
Karena aku temukan hatiku di tahan selatan

There’s no difference, I ensure ya
Tak ada perbedaan, aku jamin ya



She and I went on the run
Dia dan aku kabur

Don’t care about religion
Tak pedulikan soal agama

I’m gonna marry the woman I love
Aku akan menikahi wanita yang kucintai

Down by the Wexford border
Melintasi perbatasan Wexford

She was Nancy Mulligan
Dia Nancy Mulligan

And I was William Sheeran
Dan aku William Sheeran

She took my name and then we were one
Dia mengambil namaku dan lalu kita bersatu

Down by the Wexford border
Melintasi perbatasan Wexford